

  • Absence Management System
    Application for managing staff’s absences, launched in one of schools in Cumbria, UK.
    Test version is available at link above. This application requires login and offers 4 access levels: user, cover supervisor, head teacher (manager) and HR supervisor.
    Credentials for admin:
    – username: rdx.7777@yahoo.com
    – password: test
    Login details for other roles can be found by clicking the “help” link.
    I have also launched this app on Heroku, it is available at https://a-m-system.herokuapp.com
    (credentials for login are the same; because of features Heroku needs about 15 sec. to start front-end app and the same time for back-end first response)
    Source code: https://github.com/rdx7777/absencemanagementsystem

    Tech/frameworks used: Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate (Spring JPA), REST API, Apache Maven, Mockito, JUnit, PostgreSQL, Spring Security, React.

  • Accountancy System
    A basic version of the system allows to manage (add, delete, modify and list) invoices. The system also has the function of sending email summaries about invoices registered in the system and allows the user to interact with itself with both SOAP and REST APIs. It was written as a team project during the Future Collars Boot-camp.
    Source code: https://github.com/rdx7777/CodersTrust-project-13-zuzanna-radek-mateusz-radek-przemek
    Tech/frameworks used: Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate, REST API, Jacoco, Apache Maven, Mockito, JUnit, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Mapstruct, React.
  • Java exercises 
    Some programming exercises written during the Future Collars Boot-camp, available at link above.
    Source code:
    – front-end: https://github.com/rdx7777/exercises-frontend
    – back-end: https://github.com/rdx7777/exercises-backend
    Source code for all exercises: https://github.com/rdx7777/CodersTrust-solutions-13-radoslaw
    Tech/frameworks used: Spring, Spring Boot, REST API, Apache Maven, Mockito, JUnit, React.
  • OSKManager (ongoing)
    An open source basic management system for driving schools in Poland. I am contributing to the code and managing our project.
    Source code:
    – front-end: https://github.com/JavaAppforFuture/oskmanager-backend
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